1. Locate the package which installed idoit.iam:
dpkg-query -S idiot.iam
Say the package name is idiotic. (It is possible that there is more than one package, especially if you deleted a directory. Replace the package name with all the package names in what follows.)
2. Try to reinstall the package:
apt-get --reinstall install idoitic
3. Check to see whether your file has been replaced. If so, then you are happy and owe me a beer . If not, then it must be a configuration file (the previous command will not restore configuration files). But all is not lost. Proceed.
4. Download the package without installing:
apt-get -d --reinstall install idiotic
(Technically you don't have to do this because the command in step 2 should have downloaded the packages already.)
5. Change to the directory containing the packages:
cd /var/cache/apt/archives/
6. Now install the packages using dpkg, but forcing it to reinstall the missing configuration files:
dpkg --install --force-confmiss idoitic
Now you should be happy , and still owe me a beer .PS: Technically, I prefer a good glass of red wine over any beer, but there is no Google icon for wine.